A common skin issue that is commonly observed in young people during their adolescent and youth years is acne, also known as pimples. The primary cause of this is the way hormones affect the skin’s oil glands. When the oil glands’ draining channels get clogged, the oil secretion cannot be drained. The oil and cells within the obstructed gland create an ideal setting for the growth of Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria that causes acne. Consequently, it causes acne or pimples to appear. Typically, acne affects the face, shoulders, back, chest, and neck. It is among the most prevalent skin disorders. Acne is not a major health risk, but it can cause facial deformity and scarring, which can significantly affect the sufferer.
Various Forms of Acne
The following are some of the ways acne can manifest itself:
1: Comedones: also known as whiteheads and blackheads, are small, white or black pimples on the skin that are caused by swollen, clogged hair follicles.
2: Papules: Inflamed lesions that might feel sensitive to the touch and typically manifest as little, pink pimples on the skin
3: Pustules, also called pimples, are pus-filled lesions that can have a red base.
4: Nodules are large, firm, painful lesions that are deeply buried in the skin.
Conditions that may result in scarring
Causes of Acne
The rise in male hormones, or androgens, that happens in both boys and girls during puberty is one of the main causes. Acne is the result of these hormones’ increased production of sebum, or oil.
Acne can also result from hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy or from beginning or quitting birth control drugs. Hereditary or genetic factors also play a role; there is proof that parents might pass on their propensity to get acne. In addition, some medications, such as lithium and androgens, have been linked to acne. Greasy makeup can accelerate the development of acne by further clogging the skin’s pores.
The ages of 12 to 25 account for the bulk of acne cases. Acne usually disappears by the time a person reaches their thirties, but some people in their forties and fifties still struggle with this skin condition.
Homeopathic Treatment for Acne
Numerous natural remedies are available in homeopathy to address the issue of acne scars. The patient’s physical and mental constitution, as well as any skin signs, are taken into consideration while prescribing the entirely safe natural homeopathic treatments. Natural homeopathic remedies can be used to treat acne scars in the most light and gentle way possible. There are about 20 most common medicines to choose from for acne.
Calcaria Sulphuricum: This medicine is often indicated for those who tend to get pus on acne. The person may be less tolerance to heat as compared to cold. The acne may be large, inflamed, red, and painful with a tendency to get scars. It is one of the twelve tissue remedies used in homeopathy and biochemistry.
Berberis Aquifolium: is a wonderful natural remedy for acne scars and is of great help in treating them completely. This natural Homeopathic remedy is mainly recommended for the treatment of pigmented Acne scars. Berberis Aquifolium acts by clearing the skin pores and toning up the skin. It decreases the pigmentation of scars and efficiently cleanses the complexion of the face. It can be used in 30 potency internally and as a tincture externally for best results.
Silica: A wonder drug sourced from sand, the metal Silica (Si) which works on the immune system, a hormone in such a way that the tendency to get acne with pus formation, reduces after some doses of this medicine. The person tends to be sensitive to cold air, breeze, and cold water. Usually, lean and thin physical structure, sharp mind but shy attitude, intelligent but less confident. Somewhat strong headed in his or her belief system
Dulcamara: This medicine from the plant kingdom works for acne, and the marks are left after that. The face may be full of acne and also some allergic rash. When acne increases with a change of climate from dry to humid, you must remember Dulcamara.
Kali Bromatum: is a natural Homeopathic medicine of great help for the treatment of Acne scars and is mainly prescribed where indurated or Pustular Acne has left the scars. Pustules are inflammatory lesions and become nodules when left untreated. The Acne scars on the face, chest and shoulders can be wonderfully treated with this natural Homeopathic remedy.
Natrum Muriaticum: This homeopathic medicine, sourced from NaCl, simple salt, processed homeopathically through potentization, works as a remedy for many cases of acne. Hormonal disturbances such as PCOD or menstrual irregularities associated with or leading to acne may call for a study of Natrum Muriaticum. The face may be oily, a bit hairy, hypertrophied acne, and ugly scars; in young girls and boys may benefit from this medicine. The personality that matches this medicine is self-centered, reserved, brooding over past issues, inability to forget and forgive, kind-hearted yet somewhat egoist, less expressive with emotions, etc.
Belladona: Belladona offers the natural Homeopathic treatment for patients with red-coloured scars due to Acne. This natural Homeopathic medicine is beneficial for patients whose face is dry, hot and gives a shining and flushed appearance.
Mercurius Solubilis: is among the best natural Homeopathic medicines for treatment of Acne scars and is mainly given to patients who perspire profusely and the perspiration is very offensive. The patients requiring this natural Homeopathic remedy have an unusually excessive thirst with moist mouth and a lot of salivation from mouth. If the face of the patient ofAcne scars appears pale and unhealthy or dirty, Mercurius Solubilis is the ideal natural Homeopathic remedy.